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9:39 hs. | Sáb, 27.Jul.2024

BUE clima T: 19°C  H: 61%

Int. en Inglés | Featuring Local Artists

Delano Las Vegas unveils Rock ‘N’ Roll photography exhibit

Delano Las Vegas continues its celebration of local artists with the installation of “Defiantly Inspired” by Las Vegas photographers Robert Knight and Maryanne Bilham. 

04.09.2015 14:26 |  MGM Resorts International | 

Inspired by rock ‘n’ roll legends and emerging music talent, “Defiantly Inspired” combines bold musicians with the timeless beauty of the desert to create compelling portraits

“As Delano Las Vegas marks its one-year anniversary this month, we wanted celebrate our surrounding community by showcasing the work of local artists which is a pillar of the Delano brand,” said Matthew Chilton, general manager of Delano. “We felt the ‘Defiantly Inspired’ collection made perfect sense with its combination of iconic pop culture subjects and desert influences.”

Knight and Bilham have lived in Las Vegas for more than 10 years and consistently strive to incorporate their affection for the desert into their art. “Defiantly Inspired” features both legendary and up-and-coming musicians worldwide including Robert Plant, Jimi Hendrix, LORDE, Amanda Hardy and more.

The interactive exhibition includes a complimentary audio tour describing the history and technique behind each piece. Utilizing the mobile app LAYAR, guests may simply scan each photograph to hear about its story as they stroll through the hotel lobby.
The installation is on display now through September 30. 
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