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12:16 hs. | Sáb, 27.Jul.2024

BUE clima T: 19°C  H: 61%

Int. en Inglés | energy efficiency

UNWTO and IH&RA sign Memorandum of Understanding

UNWTO and the International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IH&RA) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding, consolidating their partnership in matters related to hospitality. 

17.03.2014 15:38 |  International Hotel and Restaurant Association (IH&RA) | 

The MOU aims to enhance the cooperation between UNWTO and IH&RA, a UNWTO Affiliate Member, in a number of initiatives related to the hospitality industry, including the Nearly Zero-Energy Hotels (NEZEH) Project, supporting hotels in improving their energy efficiency and reaching nearly zero energy levels.
The MOU was signed by UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai and IH&RA’s President Casimir Platzer, on the sidelines of IH&RA’s 51st Annual Congress, coinciding with the 1st World Hospitality Day.

“The hospitality industry is a fundamental part of the global tourism sector and a key vehicle for economic growth and job creation around the world. IH&RA has long been a strategic partner to UNWTO and this MOU will allow us to cooperate even closer towards our common goal of driving positive changes in tourism.” said Mr. Rifai.

“This partnership agreement marks a new milestone for IH&RA and will serve as the umbrella for the potential joint cooperation between both the private and public sectors for the best interest of the hospitality industry. Our role as the world's hospitality association is further strengthened by this UNWTO endorsement." said Casimir Platzer. 
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