20:51 hs. | Vie, 24.Ene.2025

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Int. en Inglés | Freedom of movement

Croatia joined the Schengen Area and Eurozone

From January 2023, the land and sea border controls with Slovenia, Hungary and Italy were removed, while the external borders with Serbia, Bosnia & Hercegovina and Montenegro became the external Schengen border. 

06.01.2023 18:20 |  Croatia Tourism | 

Croatian international airports will have a transition period of 3 months to adjust their border controls. After the transition is complete – by March 26, 2023, Schengen originating flights arriving in Croatia will no longer be required passport/border control.

Travelers boarding flights between Schengen countries, but originating from a third country outside the area, are required to go through Schengen entry border checks upon arrival in the Schengen Area. This is because the route originates outside the Schengen Area and the authorities at the final destination would have no way of differentiating between arriving passengers who boarded at the origin and those who joined in the middle. Additionally, travellers are required to process through Schengen exit border checks upon departure. However, those holding a Schengen visa will be able to enter Croatia and freely move within Schengen. If you are a national of a country requiring a Visa, please check for details at your closest Croatian embassy or consulate. If you hold a Schengen visa you will be able to enter Croatia and freely move within Schengen.

By entering Schengen Croatia joins 26 other EU and EEA countries comprised of countries that have officially abolished all passport and all other types of border control at their mutual borders. Being an element within the wider area of freedom, security and justice policy of the EU, it mostly functions as a single jurisdiction under a common visa policy for international travel purposes. An open Schengen border towards Schengen neighbors will eliminate border congestion for tourists, but at the same time increases Croatia's responsibilities at its external borders towards its non-Schengen neighbors. Freedom of movement within Schengen will certainly improve the flow of tourists within the region.

At the same time, the introduction of the euro as official currency as of January 1st, 2023, is exptected to have multiple positive effects on Croatian tourism. From now on, many foreign guests will not have conversion costs, it will be easier to find their way around the displayed prices, and there will be greater transparency in general. According to the latest official data, this year there were 18.8 million tourists and 104.5 million overnight stays in Croatia, which is 37% and 25% more compared to the same period in 2021 and 91% and 96% of the results from 2019, respectively.